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Bike Routes and Maps

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Find maps and resources to help you navigate Stanford and the surrounding communities by bike. Additionally, we have prepared some sample bike commute routes to Stanford and Stanford Redwood City campuses from nearby locations, or take advantage of the resources we prepared to help you map your own bike commute route. 

Main Quad Bike Racks

Reference this map for the locations of bike racks in the Main Quad. 

  • All wheeled devices must be parked in a bike rack and securely locked to deter theft.
  • Bike cannot kickstand park in the Main Quad or in the arcades.
See Map

Bikeways Map

This map displays all things bike related, such as bike repair stands, suggested travel routes, bike lockers, and bike cages.

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Mid-Peninsula Bicycle Maps

This map shows bike routes, biking tips and points of interest in East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Palo Alto and Stanford.

View Mid-Peninsula Map

Suggested Travel Routes Map

The Stanford Suggested Travel Routes make it easier for pedestrians and bicyclists to find their way around the campus day or night.

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Sample Bike Routes

We have prepared a few options based on designated routes in nearby cities to get to Stanford or Stanford Redwood City. Learn How to Map a Bike Commute Route with the resources we put together!

City and County Bike Maps