Get Around Safely - Roundabout Bookmark
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Get Around Safely
- SLOW when approaching the roundabout.
- YIELD to pedestrians, vehicles and bicycles.
- WALK your bike in the crosswalk OR
- RIDE your bike in the roundabout.
- YIELD to vehicles and bicyclists in the roundabout.
- CROSS at crosswalks. Watch for vehicles and bicycles.
- PROCEED only when traffic is stopped or clear.
Information and Videos
- "Getting Around Stanford Campus Safely."
- "Roundabouts: A Safer Choice." Federal Highway Administration
Locations, tips, and videos are available at
On Campus Drive
- Bowdoin Ln.
- Escondido Rd.
- Galvez St.
- Santa Teresa St.
- Sierra St.
On Galvez St.
- Arboretum Rd.
Vehicles: Get around
- SLOW when approaching the roundabout.
- LOOK for and yield to pedestrians at or in the crosswalk.
- YIELD to vehicles and bicycles in the roundabout.
- PROCEED slowly when clear and safe.
- EXIT using caution and yield to pedestrians.