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Platinum Bike Friendly University

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Stanford's Fourth Platinum Bicycle Friendly University Award

In October 2023, the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) recognized Stanford University with a fourth Platinum Bicycle Friendly University award, making Stanford the only university to receive four consecutive Platinum designations. Stanford was the first university recognized at the highest level when the program launched in 2011. This year’s award extends Stanford’s first three Platinum designations (2011–2015,  2015-2019, 2019-2023) for another four years (2023-2027).

About Stanford’s Bicycle Program

“We extend special thanks to our campus partners. While we are the face of the bicycle program, we couldn’t achieve this award without the strong collaboration we enjoy with our campus partners. As we celebrate this award, we look forward to sharing our Platinum best practices with others and learning from others, as well. There is always more we can do, and we remain committed to improving biking and bike safety for our riders and community.”

Ariadne Delon Scott
Assistant Director of Active Mobility
Stanford Transportation