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Happy image of a person getting into a ride-hailing vehicle.

Ever have trouble finding your Uber or Lyft?

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We are piloting two central pick-up and drop-off locations to increase safety and convenience.

Ride-Hailing at Stanford

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Circulation map displaying the Tresidder and the Oval/Main Quad ride-hailing pick-up and drop-off locations.

The Ride-Hailing Pick-Up and Drop-Off pilot aims to increase campus safety and convenience for folks who use Ride-Hailing Apps like Uber and Lyft. We have designated two central pick-up locations, one in front of Tresidder and the second in the Oval/Main Quad – the two areas of campus where ride-hailing is highest. Both locations will appear as options when scheduling a ride in the apps. 

Our pilot program is optional and will be evaluated after six months of data collection and observations. We encourage the Stanford community to provide feedback on the program and design of the pick-up/drop-off locations during the pilot via a QR code at the sites.

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