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Update Your Address for GoPass: Graduate Student and Postdocs

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Step 1: Log into Axess



Step 2: Click on your name/icon on the top right of the portal, then choose “My Axess Profile” from the drop-down. Your address information will be under the “Personal Information” tab.

Check: Do you have an address called “Stu Local” or "SEVIS (US)"*? 

  • If yes: 
    • Is it up-to-date? Congratulations, you don’t need to do anything else.
    • Do you need to update it? Go to step 3A. 
  • If no: Go to step 3B to ADD your Stu Local or SEVIS (US)* address.

* SEVIS (US) will be displayed for international students.

Step 3: Update OR add your “Stu Local” or "SEVIS (US)"*

Follow either 3A or 3B, depending on whether or not you already have an address categorized as “Stu Local” or "SEVIS (US)"*

* SEVIS (US) will be displayed for international students.


Step 3A: Update a “Stu Local” or "SEVIS (US)"* Address 

Click “Edit” next to the “Stu Local” or "SEVIS (US)"* Address type

* SEVIS (US) will be displayed for international students.


Enter your local residential address and click “OK.” 



Click "Save"



3B: Add a “Stu Local” or "SEVIS (US)"* address

  • Click “Add a new address.”

* SEVIS (US) will be displayed for international students.

Enter your local residential address and click “OK.” 



Designate as “Stu Local” or "SEVIS (US)"*, then click “Save”

* SEVIS (US) will be displayed for international students.


Step 4: Wait two business days for your address to be updated in our records. 

You can verify that your eligibility has been updated through our Eligibility and Status checker.