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Parking at Stanford

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Although we recommend sustainable transportation, we understand it’s not viable for everyone. If you plan to drive to and park at Stanford, you must purchase a parking permit or pay for visitor parking. Where you park and how you pay depend on your affiliation. Parking permits are available for faculty, staff, students, and other affiliates; visitors will purchase by the hour or day in designated areas. Additionally, vendor parking is available to businesses with contracts or agreements with the university to provide services/goods. Explore your parking options and plan with our purchase parking page for tips, resources, and guidance.

Read about one couple who found love in the unlikeliest place.

Purchase Parking

Stanford Transportation has implemented a virtual permit system. Commuters, residents, and departments can purchase virtual parking permits, enter license plate information for vehicles they plan to park on campus, and link those vehicles to their permit.

Where to Park

Stanford University manages parking on the Stanford and SRWC campuses with a goal of balancing visitor, commuter, and residential so you can park as close to your destination as possible.

Commute Toolkit

Our Commute Toolkit offers commute options and ways to save. Should you need to park, it can help you decide whether a daily or monthly permit makes sense.

Parking Enforcement and Citations

Learn the regulations governing the operation of motor vehicles, bicycles, and other wheeled devices within Stanford property, when and where parking is enforced, tips for avoiding a citation, and what to do if cited.

Visitor Parking

Visitor and hourly paid parking are available in designated areas throughout the Stanford and Stanford Redwood City Campuses. All visitor parking payments are contactless and managed through Park Mobile.