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Student Parking

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Students living on campus (University Residents) and with an active housing contract can buy permits for their designated house or dorm areas but cannot purchase 'A' or 'C' commuter permits. Commuting students (non-first-year) can purchase commuter permits ‘A’ and ‘C’ while actively enrolled in classes. 

Please note you can only park one motorized vehicle on campus while enrolled and/or have a housing contract. If you need parking beyond your housing contract, please contact Stanford Transportation. Students in couples or family housing are limited to two long-term permits. If needed, students in family housing may purchase one additional long-term permit for a registered care worker. Students opting for the "Lock and Go" program and wanting to leave their vehicle(s) on campus for the summer will be required to leave their vehicle's keys with someone locally, contact Stanford Transportation for more details, and provide their payment information before leaving campus.

Commuter Parking

Stanford commuters can adopt a sustainable commute or purchase daily or long-term parking to support your schedule.

Resident Student Parking

University residents who intend to keep a vehicle on campus must purchase a 'RES' parking permit in their designated area.

Getting Around Stanford

Whether you come for work, to study, or to explore Stanford’s beautiful 8,180 acre Stanford campus, we’ve made it easy to get around without a car. Stanford Transportation’s award-winning system will get you where you need to go once you arrive.

Commute Toolkit

Our Commute Toolkit offers commute options and ways to save. Should you need to park, it can help you decide whether a daily or monthly permit makes sense.

First-Year (Frosh) Parking Policy

Stanford undergraduate first-year students (frosh) are not permitted to bring cars to campus for the duration of their first year: Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters. Review the First-Year (Frosh) Parking Policy for more information