Vendor Parking
Vendor parking is available to businesses with contracts or agreements with the university to provide services or goods for a specific period. This includes banks, janitorial, food service businesses, consultants, and auditors. Authorized vendor contacts can request short-term (monthly) parking and will have access to purchase daily and annual parking permits.
Check out the process for purchasing vendor parking permits for a list of eligible permits and where they are valid.
Check out the Vendor Parking Permit Rate Chart for current pricing, or use these helpful links to learn more about different parking options:
Service/Delivery Vehicle Parking
Consider using Visitor Parking for occasional visits.
Learn how to sponsor your employees for commuter parking
Vendor employees use these "How To" Request Access instructions to set up a new Parking Permit Management System account and request access to purchase commuter permits.
Vendor Sponsorship Form
First-time vendors should request their sponsoring department complete this form authorizing Stanford Transportation to create an account in the Permit Purchasing Management System.
"How To" Guides - Vendors
Use the “How To” guides to learn the step-by-step process for logging in, purchasing annual permits, purchasing daily 'SV' parking, and managing your company's permits.