Use Zipcar to Get Around
Zipcar is an on-demand car sharing service, which enables you to reserve a car online or by phone 24/7. Stanford affiliates enjoy discounted rates.
Zipcar location
There is one Zipcar at SRWC on Warrington Avenue [map].
Free department memberships: Stanford departments can create a free departmental Zipcar account and bill department business trips to a PCard. This could be a convenient way to travel between SRWC and the main campus when necessary. When using the account to make reservations, employees can choose whether the trip is for department business or personal use.
Personal memberships: To sign up for a Zipcar membership for personal use, apply online through Stanford's Zipcar webpage. All Stanford affiliates can join Zipcar for $35. Please refer to our Using Zipcar at Stanford page for more details on applying.
Zipcar parking: Zipcars have designated parking spaces, so they must be returned to the same location where you picked up the vehicle. When not parked in its designated space, you will need to have a parking permit or pay for ‘Visitor’ parking if you park a Zipcar on the main campus. SRWC Zipcars should not park in main campus Zipcar spaces, since those spaces are reserved for specific Zipcar vehicles.